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What is Chromia Staking?
Chromia is a blockchain platform that combines the relational database concept with blockchain technology. It's designed to enhance scalability and simplify development by allowing developers to code in a familiar SQL database environment. Chromia aims to solve common blockchain issues like complex smart contract development and scalability constraints. It supports decentralized applications (dApps) that require high throughput and provides tools for creating user-friendly dApps, making it a versatile choice for developers in various industries.
Learn about Chromia Staking
What is CHR Token?
Chromia’s native token is called Chroma, and is designated by the ticker $CHR. It exists in three forms:
- As an ERC-20 token on Ethereum.
- As a BEP-20 token on Binance (BNB) Chain.
- As Native CHR on Chromia mainnet (using our FT4 token standard).
The ERC-20 and BEP-20 versions are based on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which is why Metamask can be used to view these token balances and to initiate transfers.
While Chromia’s mainnet can interact with the EVM, it uses a different underlying architecture. This is why you must use tools like Chromia Vault (our Official Wallet) to view token balances and initiate transactions on mainnet.
All three versions of the token are:
- Part of the same 978M maximum supply.
- Traded interchangeably on centralized exchanges that support them.
- Traded at the same value.
Users can bridge ERC-20 or BEP-20 CHR directly to Chromia mainnet and receive Native CHR, and they can also bridge Native CHR to Ethereum or Binance Chain.
What is the Economy Chain?
Chromia's modular design gives each dapp its own chain, necessitating a dedicated chain for bridging and managing native CHR on mainnet. This is called the Economy Chain.
The Economy Chain serves as the "home chain" for native CHR, supporting functions like staking, delegation, provider staking, and more. When users bridge CHR tokens from Ethereum or Binance Chain to Chromia mainnet, they arrive on the Economy Chain.
How Do I Find My Chromia Economy Chain Address?
Navigate to
Connect your Metamask and choose Ethereum or Binance Chain in the ‘From’ field.
The ‘To’ field will automatically select Chromia Economy Chain and your Economy Chain account address will appear in the box below it. This address can be double clicked, and then copy and pasted.
NOTE: If your Economy Chain account is already registered, you will also see your address on the bottom left of the Economy Chain dapp page.
How Do I Register My Economy Chain Account?
Before you can make transfers on mainnet, you must register your account on the Economy Chain. You can check your registration status by viewing the bottom right corner of the Economy Chain dapp page.
Chromia requires users to meet certain conditions before registering their account on Economy Chain. These requirements are in place to prevent chain ‘bloat’ created by users registering an unlimited number of accounts.
Users can register their account in one of the following ways:
- Stake and delegate 10 or more CHR on any chain through our Official Staking Page.
- Bridge at least 10 or more CHR from Ethereum or Binance Chain to Chromia Economy Chain using the Chromia Vault transfer page.
- Withdraw at least 10 Native CHR from a participating exchange to their Economy Chain address, and then spend 10 CHR to register their account.
- Receive at least 10 Native CHR from another registered account, and then spend 10 CHR to register their account.
Native CHR Staking Instructions
On December 10th 2024, we announced that an ecosystem airdrop will be coming in January 2025 and will be exclusive to Native CHR stakers. We also emphasized that staking Native CHR on Chromia mainnet is the best way to qualify for all future promotions. The following sections provide instructions to users who wish to stake Native CHR.
Scenario 1 - I am staking my CHR on Ethereum or Binance Chain and I want to migrate:
- Go to the Official Staking Page, switch to the network you are staking on and use the withdrawal request button. You must wait 14 days before you can withdraw your tokens, but you will continue to receive staking rewards during the waiting period (until February 28th 2025 when the grace period ends).
- Withdraw your tokens and then bridge them to Chromia using the Vault transfer page.
- Return to the Official Staking Page, switch the network toggle to Chromia and then stake your Native CHR.
- NOTE: Since staking rewards are automatically paid out on Chromia regardless of which chain you stake on, you may already have some Native CHR available. Toggle your staking network to Chromia to check.
Scenario 2 - My CHR is on a centralized exchange that does not support Native CHR:
- Check your withdrawal options. Some exchanges will allow you to withdraw CHR to Ethereum, Binance Chain, or both.
- Once your tokens are withdrawn to your EVM address, bridge them to Chromia using the Vault transfer page.
- Go to the Economy Chain dapp page and register your account.
- Go to the Official Staking Page, switch the network toggle to Chromia and then stake your Native CHR.
Scenario 3 - My CHR is on a centralized exchange that supports Native CHR:
- Find your Chromia Economy Chain Address using the instructions earlier in this article.
- Withdraw your CHR to this address.
- Go to the Economy Chain dapp page and register your account.
- Go to the Official Staking Page, switch the network toggle to Chromia and then stake your Native CHR.
Scenario 4 - I am holding CHR on Ethereum or Binance Chain:
- Bridge them to Chromia using the Vault transfer page.
- Go to the Economy Chain dapp page and register your account.
- Go to the Official Staking Page, switch the network toggle to Chromia and then stake your Native CHR.
Scenario 5 - I don’t own any CHR right now. How do I acquire and stake Native CHR?
- Buy CHR on an exchange that supports native CHR (currently only MEXC), then refer to Scenario 3 above.
- Use Binance Chain to buy CHR on Pancakeswap, then refer to Scenario 4 above.
- Buy CHR on any centralized exchange. Withdraw the tokens to your Ethereum or Binance Chain address, then refer to Scenario 4 above.
What are the CHR token addresses?
Wasn't 1,000,000,000 CHR the total circulating supply?
The original maximum supply of CHR was 1,000,000,000. However, this number was reduced to ~978M after burning ~22M CHR in May 2020
How do I know what kind of CHR I am holding?
If you can see your CHR tokens in Metamask, check which network your toggle is switched to. If it's Ethereum, you have ERC-20 tokens. If it's set to Binance Chain, you have BEP-20 tokens.
You can use and/or to view the contents of your EVM address.
Finding my Economy Chain Address is difficult. Is there an easier way?
We are working on some small UI changes that will make it easier to find your Economy Chain address, regardless of whether or not it is registered.
Why can’t I use Metamask for Native CHR?
Chromia is fundamentally different from Ethereum and is not an Ethereum fork. While Chromia can interoperate with Ethereum, it is not directly compatible with it.
Your Chromia address is cryptographically derived from an EVM keypair, and Chromia uses MetaMask (and other EVM wallets) to help authorize transactions. However, Native CHR balances cannot be viewed in MetaMask, ERC-20 or BEP-20 CHR tokens cannot be sent directly to Chromia Mainnet addresses, and tokens must be bridged to move between the systems.
About Chromia
Chromia is a Layer-1 relational blockchain platform that uses a modular framework to empower users and developers with dedicated dapp chains, customizable fee structures, and enhanced digital assets. By fundamentally changing how information is structured on the blockchain, Chromia provides natively queryable data indexed in real-time, challenging the status quo to deliver innovations that will streamline the end-user experience and facilitate new Web3 business models.
Where can i buy CHR?
CHR is listed on several major cryptocurrency exchanges. Information about where to buy the CHR token can be found on CoinMarketCap and Coingecko
How to stake Chromia (CHR)
There are several ways to earn a return on your CHR, including lending them out to custodial providers or through decentralized lending protocols, or delegating your tokens into the staking contract.
For the best security and control over your funds, we recommend using a Ledger Hardware Wallet. To delegate your tokens, you should ensure they are stored on your Ledger or Metamask wallet, and then follow these steps below:
Step 1: Go to the Chromia Staking Portal and connect your preferred wallet.
Step 2: Enter the amount of CHR you would like to stake.
Step 3: Click ‘Confirm’ and sign the transaction.
Please note: When tokens are staked, they cannot be withdrawn immediately. A request to withdraw must be sent at least 2 weeks before a withdrawal can be made.
How staking reward are calculated?
Stakers receive rewards in the form of native CHR at a rate of 3% APR, plus a share of network fees earned by their delegate.
How to contribuit to governance?
Providers must meet a minimum CHR balance via a combination of their own stake, and delegations from other stakers. By supporting providers with a solid track record, the community helps maintain the integrity of the network.
Chromia Links and Socials
Find your ideal CHR Staking Provider in 2 Steps
Chromia Staking is trending upwards this month
Over the past 30 days, there has been a net increase of CHR staked on Chromia, worth - at the current market rate. During this period, the price of CHR has increased by -, with one CHR currently priced at . Today, the inflation rate of the network is undefined%, which represents an increase of NaN% over the same time frame.
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