Decred Staking
Decred (DCR) staking data is not available on Staking Rewards. You can still convert token prices, estimate your rewards and explore reward options for similar proof-of-stake assets.
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Learn about Decred Staking
How does the Decred PoW / PoS Hybrid Model work?
New blocks are discovered by the proof-of-work miners roughly every 5 minutes, and each time this occurs new DCR tokens are created.
This block reward is split in three ways:
- 60% goes to the PoW miner who found the block
- 30% goes to the PoS voters on that block (6% to each of the 5 voters)
- 10% goes towards the development subsidy
The block reward started at 31.19582664 and it adjusts every 6,144 blocks (approximately 21.33 days) by reducing by a factor of 100/101.
Stakers are basically double-checking each PoW-mined block if it is written correctly. Therefore they get rewarded with 6% of the Block Reward each.
How to stake Decred (DCR)?
PoS is used in Decred to validate PoW mining work and approve or reject proposed rule changes to the consensus protocol. Decred holders time-lock, or stake DCR to obtain voting tickets. Ticket holders currently earn 5.80 DCR per block (1.16 per ticket * 5 tickets per block), or 30% of the block reward for voting.
Decred uses a lottery system to select the active voting tickets for a block from a pool based on pseudorandomness contained in the block header. Each ticket is randomly selected to vote from a current pool of 40,820 tickets using a Poisson distribution with an average selection time of ~ 28 days and a maximum time of ~ 142 days (4.7 months). If a ticket is not selected (0.5% chance), it expires and the original ticket price is refunded. Once a ticket has voted, missed or expired, the funds (ticket price plus the block reward minus the ticket fee) enter a 256 block (~ 20 hours) waiting period before being returned to the owner. Factoring in immaturity periods, Decred has an average staking lock-up of 30.74 days (29.07 days + 1.67 day immaturity period), though it can be as long as ~ 144 days.
What are Tickets?
PoS Voting Rights are assigned through tickets.
They can be purchased inside the wallet and the price is determined by an algorithm to keep the difficulty for getting a reward at the same rate.
So the more people participate in the PoS Voting, the higher the Ticket Price will be.
Please check the current Ticket Price above. This is also the minimum to participate in the staking.
Which network metrics do the rewards depend on?
The price to purchase a ticket is determined by a difficulty algorithm using the weighted average number of tickets purchased and the size of the eligible ticket pool in prior blocks. Every 144 blocks (~12 hours), the stake difficulty algorithm calculates a new ticket price designed to maintain a target pool size of 40,960 tickets.
What are Decred Staking Pools?
Usually the wallet which has purchased a ticket has to be online once it has the right to vote for a block.
An easy way to circumvent this is by joining a Staking Pool.
Inside the Wallet Tickets can be assigned to a Staking Pool, who will keep the ticket online 24/7.
The Decred Staking Pool will charge a small fee between 1–5% on the reward to offer this service.
Is there a risk to stake DCR?
Staking Decred is safe as long you protect your private keys. There is no risk of slashing.
What is Decred (DCR)?
Decred is an autonomous, open and progressive cryptocurrency with a system of community-based governance integrated into its blockchain.
How was Decred launched?
Decred is a fork of Bitcoin, initiated by the chicago-based Company Zero in February 2016.
8% of the total supply have been pre-mined, with 4% being distributed as community airdrop and 4% for paying back costs to the Company Zero and individual Decred developers.
There has been no sale of DCR to investors, no venture funding, and no payment to exchanges to be listed.
Who is the team behind Decred?
Decred is a open source project with a large independent developer community.
A Main initiator of the project has been Jake Yocom-Piatt.
Some Contractors receiving funds from the development subsidy are Company Zero LLC, Block 42 and Radaeh Group.
What is the 24h Trading Volume of Decred (DCR)?
How has the price of DCR changed over the past 24h?