C4E staking rewards are generated from several sources, including Subscription Rewards, Incentivized RPC Pools, Block Rewards, and Provider Drops. Estimate your rewards using the C4E Staking Calculator, helping you understand the potential staking APY.
Track your staking portfolio, including reward rates, validator count, and staking ratio, using the Chain4Energy Asset Page.
Choose validators and providers wisely using the Staking Rewards Verified Staking Provider (VSP) Program, considering metrics like commission, number of delegators, staked balances, and performance.
How to stake and restake C4E in a nutshell: Step 1: Navigate to the C4E Staking Dashboard and connect your wallet. Step 2: Select the validator and enter staking details, including the amount of C4E and the action type. Step 3: Finalize the staking process by clicking “Delegate” and confirm the transaction in your wallet.