ID Flag

Army IDs

Proof of Stake
Trending Reward Option

PoS Validator


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Learn about Army IDs

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Armia Faizal Sababa

Chief Executive Officer


Chief Marketing Officer

Agus Nur Husaeni

Chief Operating Officer

Team Track Record

Army IDs Team are experienced because we have participated in various test networks such as Elrond – Battle of Nodes, Akash – The Akashian Challenge, Cosmos – Game of Zones, NEAR – Stake Wars, Avalance – Denali Testnet, StaFi – Sitara Testnet, CertiK – Shentu Games (Raise The Stakes). For more track record you can go to our website

What is Army IDs?

Army IDs is a professional validator company founded by a Software Engineer and a group of Crypto Enthusiasts. We are very committed and fully dedicated team who run nodes on PoS and PoA blockchains with purpose of securing the networks. We took care all of the complexities, so that you could easily stake your assets.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Army IDs infrastructures are protected by layers of private and public sentries located around the world.