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Bliss Dynamics

Proof of Stake
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PoS Validator


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Learn about Bliss Dynamics

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

Bliss Dynamics takes governance votes very seriously. We are active in Telegram channels, forums, and on Twitter where we discuss the details of proposals and elaborate on the reasoning behind our decisions. We also display our votes on our website and are happy to answer questions about our votes at any time.

Bliss Dynamics validates on a small number of quality projects to ensure that we are always abreast of the latest news and updates for each project, and have the time to analyze the technical impact of each proposal to ensure our votes align with our goal of maximizing the growth and potential of the Cosmos Ecosystem.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Kamuel Bob


Team Track Record

Bliss Dynamics have been validating Cosmos SDK blockchains since before the Cosmos Hub was launched. In fact, competing in the Game of Stakes, Bliss Dynamics was one of the 27 validators classed to be in the top tier of “never-jailed” teams:

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Undisclosed until security audit has concluded. Contact Bliss Dynamics on Telegram or Twitter for more information.

What is Bliss Dynamics?

Providing validation services for Cosmos SDK based proof of stake blockchains since 2018, Bliss Dynamics actively participates in the development, testing, operations, and governance within the growing Cosmos Ecosystem.

Delegate with Bliss Dynamics and take advantage of our innovative low fee/high uptime delivery model to maximize your returns.