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Learn about KVGermany

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Our Infrastructure using high perfomance cloudserver that are secured with the highest security standards like encrypted storage etc.

We use the best open source solutions for being aware of all bad behavior happening to our servers so we’re able to act immedietly.

we only provide POS staking to make sure deligators have 100% control of there funds at any time whatever happening to our servers your funds are #safu

What is KVGermany?

We was just two investors before we started the project KVGermany, after more than 5 years of crypto experience we decided to make the next step forward and become more responsible for the crypto adoption.

Our goal is to provide safe staking with the most potential profits, thanks to Klevers user friendly blockchain that gave us the opportunity to build our foundation from scratch so we can aim for our future goals to rise to one of the gratest crypto companies in germany.

We are thankfull to all supporters and deligators who already
plant there trust in us.

What is your teams expertise / track record?

Team Track Record

We are new to the field of validation but we’re technical experienced so our nodes run with the highest security standards to make sure that the nodes run stable for the most period of time.

Our most experienced team member also gradurate at a technical business school is involved in the development of a game and also have a long track of technical projects.

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