Learn about MMS
What is MMS?
A team of enthusiasts united by the idea of DeFi and DAO. Since 2016, we have gained experience and have been inspired by the development of the crypto industry. Now, in our eyes, the light of the metaverses and a totally responsible society, where the community decides what is valuable.
What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?
5 x (AMD Ryzen 9 5950X / 128 GB DDR4 ECC / 20TB DC NVMe) in Ceph cluster. Total 100TB DC NVMe @ 10Gbit private network
Hypervisor Compute Nodes: 3 x (AMD EPYC 7502P / 1024 GB DDR4 ECC / 2 x 3.84TB DC NVMe RAID-1) with PVE 7.1 on Debian 11.01 @ 1Gbit external network (10Gbit to Storage Nodes)
How do you handle Governance Decisions?
We get consensus on propozal, within the team. Then we vote =) In some cases, we turn to our community with this question
What is your teams expertise / track record?
Our technical team consists of 5 senior DevOps and 5 middle
In addition to technicians, there are 4 ambassadors in our team. Also core team – 3 people
Our mainnet experience
Umee, Evmos, Gravity-Bridge, Kujira, Solana, Streamr, Nym, PlanQ, Rebus, Teritori, Pylons, Quicksilver, Paloma, Bware…
Our testnet experience – 50+ networks
MMS Supported Assets
Other Supported Assets
MMS Analytics
- 24h
- 7d
- 30d
- 90d
- 1y
- 24h
- 7d
- 30d
- 90d
- 1y
Performance over Time
Track MMS staking over time by analyzing key performance metrics.