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Learn about OriginStake

What is OriginStake?

OriginStake is a trusted validator offering non-custodial staking services on PoS networks. With 99.9% uptime and Slash protected, we provide secure and reliable staking solutions. Our services include network-standard operations, user guides, ongoing social media support, and extensive testnet launch experience.

What is your teams expertise / track record?


Brad Do




Minh Thuy

Marketing Leader

Tuan Minh

Head of Research

Team Track Record

OriginStake possesses a highly skilled technical team with experience deploying and operating validator nodes for over 10 major blockchain projects. We build monitoring systems, data backups, and secure key management following industry-leading standards. Additionally, our team contributes tools, relay nodes, and fault exploration to support the development of blockchain ecosystems.

What is your Infrastructure Security Setup?

Our infrastructure setup includes a combination of cloud and on-premise solutions to ensure high performance, flexibility, and minimal downtime. We prioritize geographical decentralization by distributing nodes across multiple countries and cloud providers. Security measures include proactive monitoring using Grafana, Prometheus, and ElasticStack, as well as key management through passphrases and multisig. We also employ backup nodes and regularly update software to mitigate risks and ensure system reliability.

How do you handle Governance Decisions?

We actively participate in Governance voting and always consider carefully so that every decision is always beneficial to users. As an exemplary voter, we hope our vote will bring many positive changes to the network. Our voting participation rate on active blockchains is 100%

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